It was raining
At a summer day..
Unique juncture, brilliant phenomenon..
Raining at the
mid of a day ?!
mid of a day ?!
At the midst of
summer ?!
at the heart of a desert ?!
summer ?!
at the heart of a desert ?!
Amid the blaze of the meridian ?!
I aimed the sight toward the hazy firmament..
The heaven granted to earth some drizzles..
Except for a drop .. descended tranquilly and leisurely
The drop was so lucid, so heavenly , and vivid of verve and splendor..
A drizzle felled right at the house..
Brought the elation and contentment to the life
When the whole thing was done, and the sky got nude..
The summer drop.. finally got her name..
Al Anoud ..
So, inimitable summer , with sprinkle on the wilderness ,
And so sole rain .. with a newborn ..luminosity living drop !

العنود .. تضيء سماء حياتنا ..
اللهم اجعلها من عبادك الصالحين واجعلها قرة عين لنا ..
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